Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My
Do any of yous (spelled wrong on purpose spell-checkers) know much about these dogs (pictured below) or have any personal experience dealing with them????? I've been doing some research and basically came to the conclusion that Chows are dogs with cat personalities. They pretty much do what they want and don't socialize with other people that well. Basically me, but born into a dogs body. Thinking about buying one of these vicious beasts to roam my domain and stand guard. The only reason I've set my eyes on a CHOW because it looks like a lion and I totally don't feel gay walking him around.....

I put chows in the same category as pit bulls; both animals should be bred out of the dog population. My beagle was attacked by a chow who was walking by us on the sidewalk. The chow ripped into my beagle's back and cost us over $500 in surgery.
I heard they were originally used as guard dogs for the Chinese emperors.
The chows that i've met are are really mean. If you plan on having a strange woman over to your apartment with a chow...she's going to leave minus a finger!
they're not nice animals typically.
Lonnie--- Yeah thats what I've been reading...Did you sue the owner or make them pay for surgery????
MAM-- She's distant, isolated and mean so that actually is a matching pet...
Irish Red--- Nice lips.....actually if the date doesn't work out that might not be a bad idea....
I used to work in a pet store and have dealt with many a Chow. They are beautiful and stubborn. If you do get one be sure to go to puppy training as well as obedience. Their willfulness can be a hazard if not contained.
Ok so this is a year late. Wendy is right, chows are not friendly dogs. But they and pitt bulls are not bad dogs. You just have to make sure they are right for you.
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