Sorry, my life is currently experiencing some technical difficulties. Will return right after the break. Here's a "Cheer me upper" ..for me....Tell me what you think....If your just perusing through feel free to say Hi as well, its all one love here in O-facesterville..
Muhahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahha I'll never telllllllll!!!
Look closely and you'll see a oface tatoo on her right cheek...
Whoa. That cheered me up. And I wasn't even feeling bad.
Hey O-face... is this that perfect woman that you said "lives in a mothafuckin galaxy far far away"?
Hope there's no snakes on your plane. Keep the pics coming.
P.S. do you tattoo ALL your women?
VK-- Sandra Alionço---Brazilian centerfold...
Sean-- Still your pic was better
T-- See this site is better than prozac
Raincouver---If your ass lives in Vancouver..well than I hate your guts because you live in a beautiful city. Yeah this is her, I used warp drive to track her done and save her from a pimp name Han Solo......
Sorry about the misspellings...my eye sight is going bad...like Ray Charles bad...
You could eat off that ass.
I don't get how women like that find clothes that fit. Apple bottom jeans indeed!
Hey sugar...Hope your ok...Even I enjoy viewing that ass. Thank you.
I don't swing that way, but I do have to admit she has a fabulous ass.
Good googa mooga. Her ass defies gravity.
AM-- I know, I just finished eating a t-bone..medium rare right off the left cheek.
KK--Thank yous.....
Ashburnite-- If I was a woman I would swing that way....She's definitely a converter
CB--Lmao....I know, like her boot defies the laws of physics......
yeah, she's purty, whatevs...Dude, you have to come back and get to business. Who else can I talk Rescue Me with?
Tommy gets the Clap tonight, hehehe!
COME BACK!! We miss you...
Hmm... I think it's time to start posting again!!!
Still waiting...miss the posts!
I just discovered you when you left a comment over on Kassy's blog. Regarding the photograph, she's lovely, but I'm puzzled why someone who models like this for a living would have a tan line showing...and yes, I know some men get off on tan lines, but then, according to my theory, men become aroused over all sorts of quirky little things. I'll be marking your blog site and watching for your return.
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