14 May 2006

You sunk my Battleship :-(

It seems everybody is in a tizzy about the possibility of worldwide pandemic flu outbreak....everybody but me. See, I believe the world has much more dangerous diseases to worry about, such as HIV, Cancer, Malaria, even male pattern baldness. But in one of my futile attempts to actually learn something new, anything that would exponentially increase my I.Q., I came across a severe and tragic malignancy that is far worse than all the other diseases combined (Bird Flu especially). Something horrible and menacing, that is destroying lives and families at this very moment. A disease that could destroy mankind just like the Dinosaurs before us. I'm talking about KARO..... or commonly called... Genital Retraction Syndrome- A scurge that affects millions of people and is highly contagious and lethal. You've been warned people, so help spread the word, so that oneday we can put a end to this global epidemic.

I also came across this picture after scouring the net for useful information (you do believe I look for useful info don't you?). Now if this isn't extortion/blackmail...I mean, this is the sole reason immigrants can hold our nation at hostage.....especially me. Just the thought alone is the main reason why I want illegal immigrants granted amnesty because what would a day in America be like without:


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