30 May 2006

War on Ho's

I'm on vacation this week slumming through the backwoods of the rusting midwest. I think its official now....the midwest consist of only Minneapolis, Chicago, Columbus and that's it...period.
So I'm eating my lunch, which is made up of fruit loops and dirty banana slices listening to some samba in the background.... when I came across a very interesting article. It seems that Oprah Winfrey has been waging a very silent war against a very formidable foe. I'm not talking the U.S. vs Islamic extremists, I'm not talking X-men vs Humans, nooooooooooo much better than that,I'm talking Oprah vs Rappers. Several highly profile artists have spoken out and criticized her in the past couple of weeks challenging her legitimacy.

1. Ice Cube- *successful artist and he owns a profitable production company* spoke out against the Queen of Media stating that she boycotts rappers.
2. Also chiming in with his 2 cents *Ew I couldn't resist typing that* rapper and the only man in the world who can survive everything lethal to man kind, 50 cent, also stated that Harpo boycotts rappers and quote, "Only caters to old white women".
3. She even managed to piss off Ludacris, a fan favorite of Bill O'Reilly and according to him quote, "Isolated me and didn't even pose questions to me about my character", when he was invited to speak about the movie "Crash". To make matters worse he even penned a song about the televised snub for his soon to be released new album in August.

I just find it silly...err stupid....maybe not smart business to expect the Queen of daytime to align her image and everything she's worked for with people who encourage and embrace murder, drug dealing, and refer to women in the most derogatory terms known to man kind. Plus these bufoons aren't even trying to reach the segment she's reaching so why the complaining???


At 10:50 PM, Blogger Asian Mistress said...

I heard them jokin on Oprah this morning...seriously isn't there something more meaningful for everyone to get their panties all in a bunch about?

I mean, do people get mad at Denzel for not liking rap?

Get over yourselves, don't hate on Oprah cause she's a LEGEND.


At 11:28 PM, Blogger NubianTemptres43 said...

my homegirl is doing exactly what she needs to do - handling her business. she knows her demographic. her target demo just so happens to be older, stay at home white women and me (27, young, educated, african american female from the great state of Mississippi, hoping one day to be as beautiful, happy, fabulous and did i mention RICH as the big O!).

to address each:

1. cube, you are fine, but when was the last time some 45 year old stay at home mom bought your cd? umm never. reason #1 you've never been on oprah, you don't fit her demographic.

2. 50 cent, you may have had a movie documenting your life, but when was the last time you said something of substance? ummmm never. your songs are violent and you think that the way GW handled the katrina response was cool. reason #2 you're not on oprah - you said some dumb shit about something big O is very passionate about.

3. luda - you were in an award winning movie, but you and your character are too different people. your character had a redeeming moment, but you still write degrading lyrics about females, sooooo why would a strong african american woman focused on the empowerment of women around the world want to have you on your show. reason #3 you're not on oprah, you contradict the basic premise of her cause - we are more than bitches and hoes.

get know fellas, don't take it personal, but when you move beyond worrying about who liikes you and who doesn't and concentrate on what really matters - something other than selling sex and thug life - you may have the chance to be oprah, ask kanye . . .

At 11:30 PM, Blogger NubianTemptres43 said...

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At 11:32 PM, Blogger NubianTemptres43 said...


if you survived being hated by easy e, being shot multiple times and any other scandal or setback what difference does it make if you're on oprah's list? dayum, stop crying, make your money and let her make hers.

At 10:30 AM, Blogger O-FACE said...

AM----seriously isn't there something more meaningful for everyone to get their panties all in a bunch about?
NO, I think this is pretty much it. Plus Denzel played a dirty cop so he gets a pass. King Kong ain't got sh** on Denzel..

At 10:31 AM, Blogger O-FACE said...

if you survived being hated by easy e
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Ain't that the truth...

At 1:15 PM, Blogger VP of Dior said...

you are totally right. oprah doesn't need to cater to them. she isn't even thinking about them as she counts her money and wears cashmere undies around her mansion.

i think part of it is the mentality that black people have to help out and look after EVERY other black person that is "in the game", regardless if they agree on issues. this isn't fair to oprah because i'm sure she has tons of people trying to use her or capitalize on her success. but she chooses to recognize and help out those that she thinks deserves it - regardless of race. i don't think the mantra that "I got hos in different area codes" is one that oprah wants to highlight or cater to.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Wendy said...

I can't stand Oprah...

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Asian Mistress said...

Do people get mad at Tom Hanks for not liking Eminem?


Word ver: foeoulyf

Fo' Ur Life!

At 9:27 PM, Blogger NubianTemptres43 said...


you and the rappers will be just fine . . . hatin serves no purpose, no need to get your panties in a bunch, too.

At 3:14 AM, Blogger O-FACE said...

VP--Good points...I don't see what the problem is being associated with songs like "Magic Stick" or "Move Beeyatch"

Wendy--I'm a dude, but I gotta give big O credit for making a empire out of ex-nihhilo. Plus she helped reform Chicago's image...


Nube--- You ever been on her show????..You sound like a dedicated fan.....Just curious...

At 2:46 AM, Blogger Moxie said...

ahh hemmm... and what was wrong with Chicago's image? (excuse me while I tug my panties)

At 11:05 AM, Blogger O-FACE said...

Moxie---Oh I'm not knocking Chicago...Chicago is a great city....Cold as hell, but a great city to live in......


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