25 May 2006

My Commencement Speech

I saw the movie, "Fargo" for the first time this week and let me tell anybody who has lived a pathetic existence equivalent to mine: THAT MOVIE IS NICE, GO SEE IT NOW!!!!! Very Pulp Fictioness in the way it was written and filmed. Lots of murder/violence and simple characters with complex development, and strange dynamic plots and twists. *Right now I'm watching two movies at the same time: Godzilla vs Mechazilla and some Bruce Lee flck.

When I graduated from college, my first gig out was a sales job. I was shy, self conscious, and to make matters worse I didn't know a dam thing about selling anything let alone for my living. In sales if you don't make sh** happen you either getting fired or you don't eat and its that simple so I had to learn how to change certain aspects of my personality and mindset so that I wouldn't fail and live on the street, maybe at the bottom of a back alley dumpster. I learned a ton of things about myself, things that I would never probably learned if I hadn't taken that job...that risk:
1. That the first thing you sell is yourself...
2. That life is one big sales job....
3. How to lead teamates and customers and win them over...
4. How to organize my time and attention...not everything deserves your time
5. How to commnicate with different personalities and people
6. Probably the most important thing I learned is that failure and rejection is good. So many people don't chase there dreams not because they weren't talented, but due to the total and absolutely purely concentrated control of fear. Most people don't even take the first step, the main step to complete. So when I see youngins who ask for my divine advice, my absolute wisdom, I always recommend that they work a sales job for a year to get in the habit of not being scared to dream big or take risks.

*OMG Bruce Lee is on tv right now giving Kareem Abdul Jabbar his business....OMG!!!!!!!*

*Have a great and safe weekend with your friends, families, family dog or blow up dolls....what ever floats your boat.

Some links to check out---In the spirit of vacation and travel...I should know I just completed an 11 hour road trip.

10 Best- ranks like 10 places for a certain category
Cool Capitols- Nice site...very good graphics.. Gives some great info on Vienna, Amsterdam, Berlin and a few others.
Epic Travel- Web 2.0 site. Gives info about travel countries and cities. I recommend this site.......
Flight Traveler--- Tracks airplane flights real time.....
Travel Buddy--People give personal accounts of travel
Hip Guide--- Lists like all the hotspots in the only cities that really matter in the U.S....Notice no mention of DC!!
Hotel Chatter-- Blog about hotels....very good site
IgoUgo--another personal accounts website...I likes
JetLag-- For all you wanna be jetsetters...
Kayak--- Been out for awhile, very good site. I'veused this a couple of times.
Plazes--- This site allows you to find people physical address....Stalkers will love this site
Theme Park insider--Blog about theme parks....Only select Cedar Point, the only park that matters.

Go get a room


At 7:09 PM, Blogger La'Tina said...

you are my hero. I'd like to store you in my pocket when I just don't have the answers. Taking a sales job is great advice. I need to get PT gig around people so I can practice getting my points across because I totally suck at being succint.

Come ye out the shell homie, come out!!!

At 12:22 AM, Blogger O-FACE said...

you are my hero. I'd like to store you in my pocket when I just don't have the answers. Taking a sales job is great advice. I need to get PT gig around people so I can practice getting my points across because I totally suck at being succint.
Just leave some snacks and mags down there so I can have something to read. But yeah work a part time gig...Maybe real estate agent or part time pharm rep, you will change as a person and how you view and talk to folks...You'll also learn to not give a fu**!!!!

At 10:23 AM, Blogger DCSportsChick said...

Hey, I'm supposed to be making a trip to Cedar Point later this year! That website will be helpful!

At 1:31 PM, Blogger O-FACE said...

DCSC....... Have fun, your gonna have a great time......Send me some cotton candy...pink

At 7:38 PM, Blogger DCSportsChick said...

Pink, huh? Never would have picked you for a guy who would choose such a dainty color.


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