04 May 2006

Killer Twinky

Bill Clinton may be the sole reason why I'm out of a job in the near future. Reading the company email in regards too the brokered agreement that will reduce significant access of sugar based beverages in all schools: Elementary---High School. This is an effort to combat the obesity epidemic that's sweeping across our country. Doctors are discovering teenagers with cardiovascular disease of 30 year old adults, some are even developing adult diabetes, which is a nasty disease in itself because it destroys your organs and vascular system and significantly increases the odds of developing a heart attack, stroke, or amputation of a limb.

I do feel some guilt *well not really*, because my job description when I started out with the company required me working with the education segment and negotiating contracts to be the sole suppliers for all beverage needs and services. Yes folks, Ofacester here is a Kiddy Killa! A Sugar Mercenary!!

But I see your mind working, it's probably saying:"Oface, why were you in the schools to begin with??". Well it turns out people develop 80 percent of consumer brand loyalty by the time they turn 13-14 yrs old and inorder to foster that place at the top of mind when it comes to purchasing decisions **So marketing nerdish sounding**, corporations fight with each other too have access. But here's what a lot of people don't know about soft drink programs:

1. Those kids are gonna get those drinks somewhere else, whether its from home or at the local 7-11 on the way to/from school.
2. If little Johnny is spending money at 7/11, those same dollars are being lost, that could of been going into school revenue program for purchasing supplies, computers, uniforms, etc etc.
3. Soft drinks are always about moderation and relaxation, but it seems parents today are about appeasing kids, ie: Buying them $500 dollar play stations instead of getting them involved in baseball or basketball, maybe even riding a bike to the library. Plus parents have stopped cooking meals because nobody has time so little Johnny eats food high in fat and cholesterol.
I wanted to express my guilt....my pain.....my confessional with the masses. I'm gonna apologize to all the chubby kids I see walking the street today. Maybe play dodgeball with them and take out my unemployment frustration on em.

Check it
Here's some links to check out-- I think today's subject will be health related

Dissect Medicine-- If you have a scrolling rss feeder this site might be for you. Its like Digg, but for health issues and news.

101 Cookbooks-- Good site for recipes and cooking. Its better than McDonald's everyday right??

Connotea.org--For medical information-- I haven't explored much.

Rxlist- Medicine database. Type in your drug name and get all kinds of interesting info. Did you know that oxycotin is addictive?????

Simple Recipes-- Recipes for quick delicious meals.

Extra Tasyt The difference between Me and a wino?? I don't use brown bags!!

Liquor Snob- Your probably wondering why I have liquor down for a health related links. I caught a severe ear ache about a year ago. I drank Jack Daniels and my pain magically went away. Its medicine I tell you I'm a true believer.

Healthline-- Nice site helps point ya in the right direction for health related info.

food 411.com- This site is a must have.

Recipe Search Engine
-- Its a search engine for recipes--nice!!!

Introplay and Peer Trainer---Form social groups too lose weight.


At 11:26 AM, Blogger Roar Savage said...

Did you see "Thank You For Smoking"?

At 2:29 PM, Blogger O-FACE said...

No i didn't. I'm waiting for the dvd release like the cheap bastard that I am. I heard that its pretty funny, accurate, intelligent, witty, and insightful (thats exactly how I describe myself) movie about the cancer/emphysema industry.

At 10:21 AM, Blogger Roar Savage said...

Honey, you ARE funny, accurate, intelligent, witty and insightful.
; )

At 4:45 AM, Blogger Asian Mistress said...

McDonald's is only acceptable if you get a (crack) coke to go with it. :)

At 12:26 AM, Blogger Sakira said...

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